The Adventures of Prince Achmed with Original Live Score
The Adventures of Prince Achmed, a 1926 German animated fairytale film by Lotte Reiniger, plays backdrop to the pioneering and innovative sounds of Invoke. These rampagers of the alt-classical chamber music scene will perform an original live score that elicits the quirky avant-garde action in the film.
Described by one pretty important radio guy as “not classical…but not not classical,” Invoke continues to successfully dodge even the most valiant attempts at genre classification. The multi-instrumental band’s other not-nots encompass traditions from across America, including bluegrass, Appalachian fiddle tunes, jazz, and minimalism. invoke weaves these traditions together to create truly unique contemporary repertoire, written by and for the group.
The band received First Prize in the 2016 Savvy Musician in ACTION Chamber Competition, and were the first place winners of the 2018 Coltman Chamber Music Competition. In addition to their debut 2015 album “Souls in the Mud,” the group has performed and recorded numerous world premieres. Invoke has been selected as Artists in Residence at Strathmore, the Emerging Young Artist Quartet at Interlochen, the Fellowship String Quartet at Wintergreen Performing Arts, and the Young Professional String Quartet in Residence at the University of Texas at Austin.
This production has been generously funded by The Creative Fund’s Q Rental Subsidy Grant program. The Creative Fund is a funding mechanism that provides much-needed support to local performing artists enabling them to further their creative endeavors.