Registration Now Open for July 2025
The Adult Division is designed for upper intermediate to advanced avocational players ages 18 and up. ACMC offers both chamber music instruction (2–5 players) as well as the opportunity to play in a chamber orchestra. All participants will receive FREE tickets (preferred seating) to select ACMC Festival Concerts.
Important Dates
Registration Deadline | Thursday, May 1 at 11:59 PM |
No tuition refunds will be given after this date | Monday, June 16 |
Chamber Ensemble & Chamber Orchestra rehearsals begin | Sunday, July 13 |
Final performances in Bates Recital Hall – FREE Admission | Wednesday, July 23 at 7:30 PM |
- Attendance Policy: All participants must commit to attending ALL rehearsals and performances.
- Accommodations: This is a local workshop. Participants are responsible for all accommodations including travel, transportation, lodging, food, and parking.
- UT Parking: The Adult Division will take place at the University of Texas at Austin Butler School of Music. Please note that there is NO free parking on campus. Participants are responsible for finding their own parking and paying as needed.
Adult Division is divided into 3 enrollment options
Option 1: Chamber Ensemble (wind, brass, string, and piano players)
Musicians will be placed into one (1) chamber ensemble and assigned a professional coach. Musicians will receive 5 rehearsals, a masterclass, and a final performance. This option is open to woodwind, brass, string, and piano players. Placement audition required (see below).
Rehearsal dates and performances:
Sunday, July 13: rehearsal from 4:00–5:30 PM
Tuesday, July 15: rehearsal from 6:00–7:30 PM
Thursday, July 17: rehearsal from 6:00–7:30 PM
Saturday, July 19: rehearsal from 11:00 AM–12:30 PM
Sunday, July 20: masterclass at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, July 22: rehearsal from 6:00–7:30 PM
Wednesday, July 23: final performance in Bates Recital Hall at 7:30 PM
Tuition = $350 | Tuition total includes processing fees | No tuition refunds will be given after June 16, 2025 | Tuition cannot be credited to any other ACMC program
Option 2: Chamber Orchestra (string players only)
Small chamber orchestra conducted by Robert Radmer, Music Director of Balcones Orchestra. Musicians will receive 5 rehearsals and a final performance. This option is open to upper intermediate to advanced string players only. Repertoire will be chosen based on enrollment and playing levels. Music will not be distributed before the first rehearsal and there will be sight reading in rehearsals. Rehearsals are fast paced due to the limited amount of time together. No placement audition required.
Rehearsal dates and performance:
Sunday, July 13: rehearsal from 5:45–7:00 PM
Tuesday, July 15: rehearsal from 7:45–9:00 PM
Thursday, July 17: rehearsal from 7:45–9:00 PM
Saturday, July 19: rehearsal from 12:45–2:00 PM
Tuesday, July 22: rehearsal from 7:45–9:00 PM
Wednesday, July 23: final performance in Bates Recital Hall at 7:30 PM
Tuition = $90 | Tuition total includes processing fees | No tuition refunds will be given after June 16, 2025 | Tuition cannot be credited to any other ACMC program
Option 3: Chamber Ensemble & Chamber Orchestra (string players only)
Musicians will be placed into one (1) chamber ensemble and the chamber orchestra. See Option 1 & Option 2 information above for more details. This option is open to upper intermediate to advanced string players only. Placement audition required (see below).
Rehearsal dates and performances:
Sunday, July 13: chamber ensemble 4:00–5:30 PM | chamber orchestra 5:45–7:00 PM
Tuesday, July 15: chamber ensemble 6:00–7:30 PM | chamber orchestra 7:45–9:00 PM
Thursday, July 17: chamber ensemble 6:00–7:30 PM | chamber orchestra 7:45–9:00 PM
Saturday, July 19: chamber ensemble 11:00am–12:30 PM | chamber orchestra 12:45–2:00 PM
Sunday, July 20: chamber ensemble masterclass at 5:30 PM (no chamber orchestra rehearsal)
Tuesday, July 22: chamber ensemble 6:00–7:30 PM | chamber orchestra 7:45–9:00 PM
Wednesday, July 23: final performance in Bates Recital Hall at 7:30 PM
Tuition = $440 | Tuition total includes processing fees | No tuition refunds will be given after June 16, 2025 | Tuition cannot be credited to any other ACMC program
Placement Auditions
Placement auditions are for chamber ensemble placement only. If you are registering for the Chamber Orchestra you do not need to do a placement audition. Placement auditions aid faculty in putting together ensembles and are an opportunity for us to meet and hear all participants in the program. No pressure!! Once the online registration and fee are completed you have secured your place in the Workshop. In order to place you into the most appropriate ensemble and to select music we need to hear you! Any questions regarding whether you are ready for chamber music should be directed to us at, BEFORE registering.
All new AND returning adults that did not participate—or do a placement audition—in the spring 2025 Adult Academy semester will be asked to do a placement audition. Auditions are required to get everyone’s most accurate playing level for ensemble pairing and music selecting! The exception: If you have a pre-formed ensemble and want to pick your music then a placement audition is not required.
Pre-Recorded Placement Video Audition Instructions:
- Video submission deadline: Monday, May 19
- Video audition material: One movement of a solo OR one etude, of your choice, that showcases your current playing level musically and technically
- Please be sure you are facing the camera, your background is well lit, and that we can see your full instrument, both hands, and face
- Pianists: We need to see your hands/keyboard, feet, and face (side profile is fine)
- Please be sure you are facing the camera, your background is well lit, and that we can see your full instrument, both hands, and face
- Email your video to
- Video delivery formats: Google Drive or Dropbox
- NOT accepted format: YouTube videos
- Provide the following in your email:
- Solo title, movement, and composer OR etude book title and/or number, and composer
An in-person audition option will not be offered this summer; however, if you need assistance please reach out.
Ready to Register?
Registration deadline is Thursday, May 1 at 11:59 PM